gpg error the following signatures couldn’t be verified

The post explains the quick fix of problem stating “gpg error the following signatures couldn’t be verified”. This issue we encountered while installing a package with apt-get command on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server. GPG Error : How To Solve The given below is real error which we found on our server while installing haproxy package, … Read more

Completely remove package on Ubuntu / Debian by apt-get

This is a quick post to completely remove package on Ubuntu by apt-get command.Apt-get (Advanced Packaging Tool ) is a command line tool to manage the packages on Ubuntu / Debian system. Remove the package on Ubuntu/Debian Generally remove is the option used with apt-get command. But it do not remove the config files associated … Read more

How to download package using apt-get command in ubuntu

How to download package using apt-get command in ubuntu To download the package in ubuntu with the help of command apt-get use the flag called download Note: download flag will download the given binary package into the current directory. apt-get download package-name eg. apt-get download apache2 This below given is the practical which I did … Read more