Show running process in postgresql

Show running process in postgres

I mostly use the MySQL server and very much familiar with its commands and how it works.
Today I was checking How to check the running process in Postgresql. In MySQL we use show processlist; command.

In Postgresql,to show running process in postgres use below given command

Step 1: Login with system user in postgresql server

Step 2: Switch to postgres user using below command

su -l postgres

Step 3: Login into Postgresql server now (When you use psql command bydefault it takes postgres user, if you want to use other username use this command psql -U username database name -W )

After login with postgres user you will get the console like this postgres=#
Here we are using command to see running process is select * from pg_stat_activity;

root@postgres-server:~# su -l postgres
postgres@postgres-server:~$ psql
psql (9.1.9)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_activity;

Step 4: To stop showing process list press q key from your keyboard

Step 5: To exit from postgresql console use q, see below command how to do.

postgres=# q

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