6 df Command Examples To Check Mounted Filesystem On Linux

df command

In this tutorial we will learn about, how to use df command to check the mounted filesystem on linux. As a Linux System administrator, this command is basic and very important.The df command shows the usage of mounted filesystem.It is notable that the filesystems which are not mounted on system,we can not get its information … Read more

How to show user account password expiration detail on Linux

The post is about to show account aging information.To get details of user account password expiration ,we use the command chage. With chage command use the option -l or –list. The chage program requires a shadow password file to be available.The absolute path of shadow file is /etc/shadow.It is notable that /etc/shadow file has password … Read more

How to find installation date and time of rpm package

In this post,we will know the linux command to find installation date and time of rpm package. As a Linux System Administrator,we take part in IT auditing activity. Sometimes for cross check we require the exact date and time of rpm file installed in Red Hat based Operating System (RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux). Hence,for auditing purpose,it is … Read more

Allow only members of Wheel group to use su command on RHEL/CentOS

In this tutorial we will learn,how to allow only members of Wheel group to use su command.Means only members of wheel group can switch to another user by using su command.As we know that in Red Hat based operating system, wheel group is a special administrative group. To allow only Wheel group’s member to use … Read more