The best Linux and Open Source Magazine from India

The best linux Magazine from India


Today I am sharing the information which is widely asked by many Linux beginners and professional.It is about which is best Linux and Open Source Magazine. I usually read the LinuxForU. Now it is known as OpenSourceForU but still they are using the URL in internet world as .

The Magazine contents are very much helpful for all Open Source lovers either he is technical or just started the journey in technical world. You can learn many things from this magazine.The articles are mostly written by experts and professionals.
It has tips section where you can also share your tips. There are many good tips which will surely help you.If you also want to share your tips, visit this URL
Magazine also welcome the article submitted by you.Here is the link
The How To article are very well written and practically they are applied and tested.

Every month the Magazine is released in every edition the magazine might release the Operating System,Software or educational related CD or DVD, it can be any kind of but CD/DVD stuffs are also awesome.
If you want to subscribe for its print edition you can visit its Subscribe page.

The Magazine also has distribution in Overseas.And from its website you can gain lot of technical stuffs.
I am reading this magazine since more than 4 years and I learned a lot and still I am learning.

Lastly I would like to say,it is awesome.
OpenSourceForU rocks

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